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Erin Mouré (Canada) 1955


Erin Mouré (Canada)



Born in Calgary, Albert, Canada on April 17, 1955, Erin Mouré is a noted Canadian poet and translator (among her languages are French, Galician, Portuguese, Spanish, and English).

     Her mother was original from Galicia, Poland (now the Ukraine), and her father was born in Ottawa. She has two younger brothers.

   In 1975 Mouré moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, where continued her education at the University of British Columbia in philosophy, but after only year, she left her studies to work for Via Rail Canada, continuing to write poetry.

     Today she lives in Montreal.


     Melissa Jacques has written of the poet: "Erin Mouré's poetry is fragmented, meta-critical and explicitly deconstructive. Folding everyday events and ordinary people into complex and often irresolvable philosophical dilemmas, Mouré challenges the standards of accessibility and common sense. Not surprisingly, her work has met with a mixed response. Critics are often troubled by the difficult and therefore alienating nature of the writing; even amongst Mouré's advocates, the issues of accessibility and political efficacy are recurrent themes."

     Mouré has won the A. M. Klein Prize for Poetry, the Governor General's Award for Poetry (1988) and been nominated for several awards.

     The poet has also written essays and serves as contributing editor to The Capilano Review.




Empire, York Street(Vancouver: House of Anansi, 1979); The Whisky Vigil (Madeira Park, British Columbia, Canada: Harbour, 1982); Wanted Alive (Vancouver: House of Anansi, 1983); Domestic Fuel (Vancouver: House of Ansani: 1985); Furious(Vancouver: House of Ansani, 1988); Excess (Pocket Edition, 1988); WSW (Montreal: Véhicule, 1989); Sheepish Beauty, Civilian Love(Montreal: Véhicule, 1992); Visible Spectrum (pomflit, 1992); Search Procedures, or Lake This (disOrientation, 1993); The Green Word: Selected Poems: 1973-1992 (Don Mills, Ontario, Canada: Oxford University Press Canada, 1994); Search Procedures (Toronto: House on Ansani, 1996); A Frame of the Book (Toronto: House of Ansani/Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1999); Pillage Laud (Toronto: Moveable Type, 1999/2011); O Cidadán (2002); Little theatres (Toronto: House of Ansani, 2005); O Cadoiro (Toronto: House of Ansani, 2007); Expeditions of a Chimæra[with Oana Avasilichioaei] (2009); O Resplandor (Toronto: House of Ansani, 2010); The Unmemntioable (Toronto: House of Anansi Press, 2012); Insecession a dual book with Chus Pato’s Secession (Toronto: Book*hug Press, 2014); Kapusta (Toronto: House of Anansi Press, 2015); The Elements (Toronto: House of Anasi Press, 2019)



POURS, or What stills reveal about the human figure



We are beings inhabited by surprise.

When we are still, speech pours out of us.

There is a reason for our hair.


A reason reasons our hair.

Did a little mouse run around "here"?

Or were we truly innocent of tabulation.


When still we are not cadavers.

Our biographies are not synonymous &

not letdowns.


Always chooses a note, & fails to sedate it.

A particular grief is always "being" jettisoned

until the soil, a varnish, lets up.


Because I said so.

Because "located" in inhabited space.

Because arm, ar


Nos oublis sont là, visibles et non pas chimériques


C'est acceptable, on dit

D'où vient ce pain merveilleux, on dit


La question est posée derrière l'écran du corps

La question est serrée entre les doigts


du visible, d'où on vient, d'où vient

ce pain





in a war, who lost an earlobe? who slept "right thru"?











Tomarric an invention of a yellow spice or trill

Her ear still says so, is still

Fabulous with innuendo



in a war, who baked flageolets with lamb? who "furnished"?









There is an impetuous shadowing mirth

or Murph



His beautiful length of fur seen in stills only

Still exists in stills a concocted reverie

But mortal does establish this


A coin or "this"

We inhabit or are spending

Sloughs off the human figure or off the dog


We have not been able to say "dog" up till now

In any poetry



Si jamais on pouvait localiser la voix

Une corde de moins, l'empruntée ou "échec"



Today we are admitting certain consonants

as vowels

ovoid figures in a tested environment


Today we are admitting certain continents

as vow(el)s

Othered figurae in a viridial testament



in a war, who carried forward the plush moniker? who "wised up"?



If an ovation is a lesser form of "triumph"

She came out at last with a feature that wept

against terminology


or spire, spite, danger sputum

Too "is" has been a way this danger does inhabit



we are "up for walks" upon the Mountain

which is to say a feature or designation

Proper to admit or ponder


Proper to concatentate or disinter

Where features project an original form of landscape

what we planted there in still


Heretofore "unavailable"

La comtesse qui boit du café à la lumière du jour

Ils ont écrit : la précieuse lumière du jour dans leur pays



in a war, who came back with curtailment? who "pitched" an arm?







el: Firstly, there is a lot here for which to beg your pardon. The deer

came out of the hill trees to feed at the hot side of the building,

stalking drifts to get there. It means an awful slow motion over time

exposure. It was her house, there were still fallen apples. "Still"

admits to what duration? The palimpsest determines or deters me.

How will I know the answer, when I only saw the photos in which (&

this cannot be changed now) the lower half of her legs was erased by

the dog. A kind of pointing animal or reference out of the framework.

Aside from this, I only want to say: fervid, avid, fervorous, ardour.

These are the mechanisms I am trying to deal with. Yrs, er.



copyright ©2011 by Erin Mouré


For a reading of O resplondor and an interview, click below:


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