Rob Stanton (England)
From 1999-2001, he edited the University of Leeds-based Poetry & Audience. In 2005 he was short-listed for an Eric Gregory Awards. His poems have appeared in can we have our ball back?, Fascicle, Great Works, Octopus, The Rialto, Shampoo, Shearsman and Stride. Critical writing has been published in Canadian Literature, Jacket and How2.
Born in Bishop Auckland, County Durham on August 11th, 1977, Rob Stanton spent his childhood in Solihull, Birmingham. He has a B.A. in English Literature from the University of Wales, Cardiff, an M.A. in American Culture and a Ph.D. from the University of Leeds. He has worked as a postgraduate and then postdoctoral teaching assistant at the School of English, University of Leeds since 2001. He currently lives and teaches in Austin, Texas.
From 1999-2001, he edited the University of Leeds-based Poetry & Audience. In 2005 he was short-listed for an Eric Gregory Awards. His poems have appeared in can we have our ball back?, Fascicle, Great Works, Octopus, The Rialto, Shampoo, Shearsman and Stride. Critical writing has been published in Canadian Literature, Jacket and How2.
From an ars poetica in process, Stanton writes: “Operational metre/Inexplicable orchard….Sing, thing, and / set to off: go blam…. Language is vast. Vast and obvious…. Bite-size interaction. Mind- / found micoscapes. Marks made…. Nuts. Bolts. Let flower…. ‘To jangle and confute the English tongue.” ….Outta breath. Exegetes / speak for themselves. The dad / do not speak…. Our piece our poem…. Any source legitimately yours…. Concussive sun, percussive between bars. The fence occludes (all fences do)…. Good / tread. Sound / system…. Late student of beginnings. I have favourites. ‘I’m no / one to talk.’ ….You yourself your captive audience. The / turn. Nail maker. Splurge rightly. Duck.”
The Method (Penned in the Margins, 2011); Trip-- (Knives Forks and Spoons, 2013)
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