Sándor Rákos (Hungary)
His first book, Meztelen arc (Naked Face) was published in 1971. Several other books followed, including Az emlék jelene (1973, Memory's Past), Harc a madárral (1980, Fighting the Bird), Társasmonológ (1982, Soliloquy with Others), and Catullusi játékook (1984, Catullan Games, 1989), and his collected poems, A tüz kérlelése (1984, Imploring Fire). He has also written essays and translated works of Mesopotamian poetry and a volume of folk poems from the South Sea Islands.
Meztelen arc (Budapest, 1971); Az emlék jelene (Budapest, 1973); Harc a madárral (Budapest, 1980); Társasmonológ (Budapest, 1982); Catullusi játékok (Budapest: Szépirodalmi, 1984); A tüz kérlelése (Budapest, 1984).
Catullan Games, trans. by Jascha Kessler and Maria Körösy (Marlboro, VT: The Marlboro Press, 1989).
Sándor Rákos was born in an Hungarian village, the son of the school teacher, in 1921. He studied economics in Budapest, but left his education for various administrative, journalistic, and editorial jobs. In 1952, he devoted his full time to writing, and became the head of the Translator's secion of the Hungarian Writers Union.
His first book, Meztelen arc (Naked Face) was published in 1971. Several other books followed, including Az emlék jelene (1973, Memory's Past), Harc a madárral (1980, Fighting the Bird), Társasmonológ (1982, Soliloquy with Others), and Catullusi játékook (1984, Catullan Games, 1989), and his collected poems, A tüz kérlelése (1984, Imploring Fire). He has also written essays and translated works of Mesopotamian poetry and a volume of folk poems from the South Sea Islands.
Meztelen arc (Budapest, 1971); Az emlék jelene (Budapest, 1973); Harc a madárral (Budapest, 1980); Társasmonológ (Budapest, 1982); Catullusi játékok (Budapest: Szépirodalmi, 1984); A tüz kérlelése (Budapest, 1984).
Catullan Games, trans. by Jascha Kessler and Maria Körösy (Marlboro, VT: The Marlboro Press, 1989).