Francisco Alvim [Brazil]
For several years, Alvim served as a diplomat in Spain, before retiring to Rio de Janeiro, where he now lives.
Sol dos cegos (Rio de Janeiro: Edição, 1975); Passatempo Rio de Janeiro: Caleção Frenesi, 1975); Lago, Moontanha (Rio de Janeiro: Caleção Capricho, 1981); Poesias Reunidas (1968-1988) (Brasilense, 1988); Claro Enigma (1988); O Elefante (São Paulo: Cia das Letras, 2000); Poems ( 1968-2000) (São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2000)
Selection of poems in The PIP Anthology of WorldPoetry of the 20th Century, Volume 3: Nothing the Sun Could NotExplain—20 Contemporary Brazilian Poets(Los Angeles: Green Integer, 2003)
The Stone
Trees crush me
leaves and branches inside me,void of all that I am
I can confirm that plants, like stones,
go rotten.
—Translated from the Portuguese by Dana Stevens
A Corridor
An enormous corridor
that I see everybody walkingthat everybody sees me walking
An enormous corridor (enormous)
that so many of us walkI everybody walks
A corridor that walks
I everybody usA corridor walks (itself)
among them three old prints
On the table, two folded tablecloths
one green, the other blue
a sheet, also folded, books, a keychain
Under my right arm
a black-covered notebook
In front, a bed
whose headboard has cracked wide open
On the wall some paintings
For another selection of translations of Alvim’s work, click here: