I. (a) because in Europe I find MeaningScurry in their .Organise-Self-Divert -- hours loll here all simmer-rife-Expect-lush-stat, GET is less-necessary.
(b) because of the absence of Tight-blank faces here. (European Maturity seems of the in-touch-with-YouthPulse ripe sort)
(c) Liquor-Gamme abroad somewhat breatheier.
(d) abroad, as if transplanted to an ideating DreamStanceindef, the me-expatriate remenvisages America-the-Spectacle, initsensing its cosmintegrality, critifocaspecting its Univeering probably for a first time. (local Econs are so intrude-mussuppy.)
II. the Spiritual Future of America is not to evolve till a present diabetes is admit removed, t’wit: America’s total lack of parent-sagacity to exprimply an especially-while-correcting-them goodwill toward, and to cull an early admiration from the children.
(The EffectLoss into Personality is enormous I! -- contrast the majority of French Parents’ Methattitude.)
THEN -- the American Spirit will commence-sing as naive-directelimgoalpursue -- clearly as its present FolkMelod -- “PopularSong”, frequently as blare-OutreFruct-freely as its dynaSaxophoneyc. NeoPolite-ObserveRigors will scourge off-away the become-cloyuseless of our present SklafManners -- survive-a tiff with Russian Defeatindivid-become-CollectiMass output, our EconGrandees will have also residonned the surrealise raiment of skilledlaborer-integraiity -- the SportSense will have been furthalloted into a StreetPass-Calistheno (i. e. Fair, groove-compulsed into an inevitaBanter-Fair -- we are a GoodWill-Collective -- will assume social sensitude, a BodyClap-RazzCourtly deft-joice-skew-Apply-akin (somehow) to the finesse of France’s Golden Period.
The Busybody-GoodWill will have insidAmericanized Europe (thru Dawesian EcoHighPressures, “ Galette “-add vice, constant-rub-away of Europeans’ giving in to the squarepeg-insists of Fringlish-voicestressing (1) travellers and resiDents, spillover-manifest of America’s Nth degree-PRODUCE-Molochism, etc.) Semitised Russia will certainly psych Yap doubly,its individuentsremainingscorn-evadedDefeatists, speaking their present flapdoodleNonDigninholdLiable’d rushout -- heedless-0-Self !-stuff. (Russia’s soon-enormous CollectiOutput will yet lag indef-behind America’s shrewd-ingeniuity’d Get-RichQuick-Fellers I’d individ-catalysing Produce-Outvent.)
III. Communism, Surrealism, Anarchism -- degrees of LyriProtestism -- since Lyrism is based in Individualism the BureauLyrism of C. is an obvious paradox. -- A. ‘s hysterLyr will always ultimately grudgependule -- reactionate, stay the destroy-(to-begin-over)-hand (tho subjectively A.’s applicable into a Recherche for the expression of the Consciousness betwixbeyond the Abstremities of Thought. S., a French (psychanal-flltfree) Try has obviously essayed to continue “ correctness”, has but barely enlarged the GamutPossible of the Hithertooze-“Inadmissible “ -- enlargers Braque, Ernst, Michonze, obviously their Self; the rest, GoodManner’d Dada ? -- S. lacked gutsweat adherent~ collect-able to trek the toothsome of the Psych-RunningDown (In ?) DreamStateProffClimbs~into-Reality which Andre Breton skim-the·FreudSoup-touchly impicts. Possibly S. fail<~d to posit a NeoAgonyProCreate.
IV. My work veer-expresses my relation to 20thCentury Reality, a relation I feel-think to be fillfuller than any hitherto CritiCommunicLiable, i. e., mine, the necessity of lending consciousative LOGICATING to the AromeClashBuild-innerising FORMTrends of Music’s MelodSyntheBuildAlong, the gradaccrue of which (both delib and acciByProd) may-will tot-add sub-et-Supra integerCollects for furthing the Context’simputationise ; at the same time possibuilding, in Englishsole language evophonically free enuf to do so, -- SensationForms rhapsintrest Composenuf to aesthConcomitate these neo-gather-imputes of Thought, i. e., the MarryMomeintentsity matings of hovexpect Indeation & Vehicle-BecomePunct. My Article (transition 12) delineates the techBuild of this.
(1) very important, since the move-forward stress of English wordage is the more battlesurvive-“dominant.”