Tina Darragh [USA]
She started writing poetry in college after taking a course with the poet Michael Lally, and has been included in several L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E-based poetry anthologies including Ron Silliman’s In the American Tree (National Poetry Foundation 1986) and Douglas Messerli’s From the Other Side of the Century (Sun & Moon Press, 1994). Darragh makes her living as a librarian.
Darragh has written many works of poetry, as while as an early play, My First Play (1974). Among her several books of poetry are Living (with Tim Dlugos) (1974), my hands to myself (1975); Pi in the Skye (1980), on the corner to off the corner (Sun and Moon Press, 1981), exposed faces (1984), and another play, Opposable Dumbs (2002).
Part of the poetic group surrounding Washington, D.C.’s 1970s Folio Books meetings, she and her husband have continued to play an important role in Washington’s poetic scene.
Living (with Tim Dlugos) Washington, D.C.: Dry Imager Press, 1975; my hands to myself (Washington, D.C.: Dry Imager Press, 1975); Pi in the Skye (New York: Direct Press-Modern Litho, 1980); on the corner to off the corner (College Park, Maryland: Sun and Moon Press, 1981); exposed faces(Elmwood, Connecticut: Potes & Poets Press, 1984); a(gain)²st the odds Elmwood, Connecticut: Potes & Poets Press, 1989); Striking Resemblance: Work, 1980-1986 (Providence, Rhode Island: Burning Deck, 1989); adv. fans: the 1968 series (Buffalo, New York: Leave Books, 1992); 6tpf/6tyn(Elmwood, Connecticut: Potes & Poets Press, 1997); in Etruscan Reader #8: Tina Darragh, Douglas Oliver, Randolph Healy (Buckfastleigh, United Kingdom: Etruscan, 1998); dream rim instructions(New York: Drogue Press, 1999); in Belladonna Elders Series #8: Jane Sprague, Diane Ward, Tina Darragh (Brooklyn, New York: Belladonna Books, 2009); Deep eco pré (with Marcella Durand) (Austin, Texas: Little Red Leaves e-editions, 2009)